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A Quick Tour

MindScript is dynamically typed: only the values have a type, not the variables.

let greeting = "Hello, world!"

This defines a variable named greeting containing a value Hello, world! of type Str.

Everything is an expression. For instance, all of the following expressions evaluate to 42:

(40 + 2)
let my_variable = 42

Variables are lexically scoped. The following code

let a = "outer a"
let b = "outer b"

    let a = "inner a"

inner a
outer b
outer a
outer b
as the declaration of the variable a inside the block shadows the outer variable named a.


Most of the usual operators are available and they have the expected precedence rules:

= + - * / % == != < <= > >= not and or

Types aren't cast automatically, and applying an operator to values having incompatible types will lead to runtime errors.


There are two ways of defining computation units: functions and oracles.

Functions are defined with the fun keyword (see oracle keyword below). This builds an (anonymous) lambda expression. Functions can have one of more arguments and they can be typed.

As an example, consider the factorial function:

let factorial = fun(n: Int) -> Int do
    if n==0 do
        n * factorial(n - 1)

Note that:

  • The arguments and the output can have a type annotation. Omitted types are assumed to be equal to Any, which is the universal type.
  • If no argument is provided in the function declaration, the null argument is added automatically.
  • The body of the function is enclosed in a do ... end block containing expressions. The function returns the value of the last expression, unless an explicit return([VALUE]) expression is provided.

Functions are curried. Thus, the function

let sum = fun(n: Int, m: Int) -> Int do
    return(n + m)

has type Int -> Int -> Int, that is, arguments are consumed one-by-one, producing intermediate functions as results, and the following works:

> sum(1, 3)

> let add_one = sum(1)
fun(m: Int) -> Int

> add_one(3)

> sum(1)(3)

Control structures

There are only three control structures in MindScript:

  • logical expressions
  • conditional expressions
  • for-loop expressions
  • (there are no while loops)

Logical expressions are short-circuited: as soon as the truth value is known, the remaining subexpressions are not evaluated. For instance:

(2/1 == 1) or (2/2 == 1) or (2/3 == 2)
will only evaluate up to (2/2 == 1), omitting the evaluation of (2/3 == 2).

Conditional expressions have a simple if ... do ... else ... end block structure with the familiar semantics:

if n == 1 do
    print("The value is 1.")
elif n == 2 do
    print("The value is 2.")
    print("The value is unknown.")
These evaluate to the condition which is fulfilled, or to null otherwise.

For-loops iterate over the outputs of an iterator (see below). The entire for-loop evaluates to the last evaluated expression, i.e. as if the executions of its body were concatenated.

for v in iterator do

An iterator is a "function" of type Null -> Any that generates a sequence of values. These are typically implemented using closures. The for loop will repeatedly call iterator() until it returns a null value.

Iterators can be custom, or created from arrays and dictionaries using the iter(value: Any) -> Null -> Any built-in function.

In addition, the flow of execution can be modified through - continue( expr ), which evaluates to expr and initiates the next iteration, - break( expr ), which evaluates to expr and exits the entire for-loop.


Destructuring assignment is a syntax that permits unpacking the members of an array or the properties of an object into distinct values.

[let x, let y] = [2, -3, 1]
After this assignment, x == 2 and y == -3. The third element 1 gets ignored.

{name: let n, email: let e} = {id: 1234, email: "", name: "Albert"}
After this assignment, n == "Albert" and e == "". The property id gets ignored.

These can be arbitrarily nested.


Formal types

The primitive built-in data types are:

  • Null: the null value;
  • Bool: booleans, either true or false;
  • Int: integers like 42 and 101;
  • Num: floating-point numbers like 3.1459;
  • Str: strings, enclosed in double- or single quotes as in "hello, world!" or 'hello, world!';
  • Type: the type of a type.

In addition, there are container types:

  • Arrays, as in [1, 2, 3] of type [Int];
  • Objects (or dictionaries), as in {name: "Albert Einstein", age: 76} of type {name: Str, age: Int};
  • Function objects, e.g. cos(x: Num) -> Num of type Num -> Num;
  • Any: an arbitrary type.

There are also enums, which are created by specifying the type and an exhaustive list of permitted values:

let TwoOutOfThree = type Enum([Int], [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]) 

The typeOf function returns the type of a given expression:

> typeOf({name: "Albert Einstein", age: 76})

{ name: Str, age: Int }

> typeOf(print)

Any -> Any

> typeOf(typeOf)

Any -> Type

Custom formal types

New types are built using the type keyword followed by a type expression:

let Person = type {
    name!: Str,
    email!: Str?,
    age: Int,
    hobbies: [Str]
These types are aliases of the underlying structure, hence two types with different names are equal if their structures match.

Once created, they can be used as a normal MindScript values of type Type:

> typeOf(Person)

> isSubtype({name: "Albert", email: null}, Person)


  • Primitive type atoms: The primitive types are Bool, Int, Num, and String.
  • The container types are built using delimiters [...] (arrays) or {...} (objects) and then further specifying the types of their members.
  • Similarly, function types are indicated by an arrow -> as in (Int -> Str) -> Str. To indicate an arbiraty functional structure, use Any -> Any.
  • You can omit the quotes/double-quotes of keys if they follow the naming convention of variable names.
  • Mandatory object properties are indicated using !. Hence, name!: Str is a required property, whereas name: Str isn't and can be omitted.
  • Nullable elements are indicated using ?. Thus, Str? is either equal to a string or null, whereas Str can only be a valid string.

Informal types

A value can be annotated with an explanatory comment, which becomes its informal type. Informal types do not have well-defined semantics, but they influence their evaluation by an oracle (see the section on oracles). Comments are created by the annotation operator # which attaches a string to the value of the following expression:

# The speed of light in meters per second.
let c = 299792458

Since the annotation gets attached to the value of the following expression, the next code will produce a function of informal type "Computes the sum of two integers."

# Computes the sum of two integers.
let sum = fun(n: Int, m: Int) -> Int do
    n + m

Likewise, this allows annotating type expressions:

let Person = {
    # The name of the person.
    name!: Str,

    # The age of the person.
    age: Int


Like functions, oracles produce outputs from inputs, but they do so using induction. Oracles are defined using the oracle keyword. For instance:

# Write the name of an important researcher in the given field.
let researcher = oracle(field: Str) -> {name: Str}
That's it! This creates an anonymous oracle with formal type Str -> {name: Str} and informal type "Write the name of an important researcher in the given field." guiding the generation of the output (i.e. informal types get added to the LLM prompt).

We can then use the oracle as if it were a function:

> researcher("physics")

{"name" : "Albert Einstein"}

> researcher("biology")

{"name": "Charles Darwin"}
where the inputs and outputs should conform to the given formal type.

Building Oracles using Examples

To help with the induction process one can also build the oracle with examples. These are given using the from keyword plus an array containing the examples.

let examples = [[0, "zero"], [1, "one"], [2, "two"], [3, "three"], [4, "four"], [5, "five"]]
let number2lang = oracle(number: Int) -> Str from examples
This time we did not provide a description of the task.

Then we can induce the output for a new input.

> number2lang(42)


> number2lang(1024)

"one thousand twenty-four"
Obviously, since oracles perform inductive inference, they are not guaranteed to produce the correct output as in the previous case.

Each example must have the format [arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_n, output]. For instance, [3, 2, "five"] is a valid example for a function of type Int -> Int -> Str.

Standard Library

MindScript fires up with a set of pre-loaded functions.

To obtain an object that shows all the variables defined, use getEnv:

> getEnv()

    "dirFun": obj:{} -> [Str],
    "mute": _:Any -> Null,
    "dir": obj:{} -> [Str],
    "netImport": url:Str -> {},
    "www": url:Str -> Str?,
    "natural0": _:Null -> (Null -> Int?),
    "natural": _:Null -> (Null -> Int?),
    "range": start:Int -> stop:Int? -> (Null -> Int?),
    "reduce": f:(Any -> Any -> Any) -> iterator:(Null -> Any) -> Any,
    "filter": cond:(Any -> Bool) -> iterator:(Null -> Any) -> (Null -> Any),
    "map": f:(Any -> Any) -> iterator:(Null -> Any) -> (Null -> Any),
    "http": params:HTTPParams? -> method:Str? -> url:Str -> {},

You can import modules using import (local filesystem) or netImport (remote modules). For instance, try importing the language module provided with the standard library.

> let lang = import("ms/lib/")

    "write": instruction:Str -> {result: Str}?,
    "similarity": text1:Str -> text2:Str -> Similarity?,
    "similarityExamples": [

The functions become available through the object lang. First we list its properties:

> dir(lang)


Now let's try keyword extractor:

> lang.keywords("JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms
  to the ECMAScript standard.")

    "keywords": [
        "just-in-time compiled",
        "ECMAScript standard"

To explore the standard library, just type the name of an object - the informal type annotation will provide information about what it does.

> unshift

Pops the first value from the array.
array:[Any] -> Any

> http

Makes an HTTP request.
params:HTTPParams? -> method:Str? -> url:Str -> {}

> HTTPParams
type {
    mode: Str?,
    cache: Str?,
    credentials: Str?,
    headers: {

    redirect: Str?,
    referrerPolicy: Str?,
    body: {



Explore the code of the library:

  • the standard library, providing examples of function implementations.
  • the language library, which contains many examples of oracles created with and without examples.